Manitou Evangelical Free Church

Pastoral Search

Manitou Evangelical Free Church in Neilburg, Saskatchewan is looking for a pastor to come alongside our already active and faithful body of believers. We have an average of 100 attending weekly.

We have been operating without a pastor for a few years and have been managing with a regular rotation of willing teachers and preachers from within and visiting guest speakers. At the helm of this church is a board of men that have been growing in their relationship with Christ and each other. We are looking for a pastor to work with us. Could it be you?

Has God’s call on your life been undeniable and exciting?

Do you have experience leading a church?

Do you have bible school training?

Do you have a heart to live a life serving others?

Would you feel at home and comfortable in a rural community?

If your answer is “yes” to all the above, would you consider praying about this position? If you feel the Holy Spirit leading you to continue to pursue us here at Manitou, please reach out to our Pastor Search Committee for more information.

Thank you for your time,

The Pastor Search Committee for

Manitou Evangelical Free Church

Mel, Jeff, Pia & Luanne