Manitou Evangelical Free Church

MEFC Youth - Impact

For years, we have been offering the youth of our communities a safe space to learn about who God is, how He can be real in their own lives and having fun building connections between our leaders and their peers.  Our hope and prayer is - To make an impact on every teen who comes through our doors, not only during their time in our ministry as students, but also impact their lives spiritually, giving them a foundation as they launch into the world.

We want to thank our students, parents, church body and community members. We are blessed and so thankful for your involvement in and around our youth ministry. Your support, your prayers, and your willingness to partner with us in many ways is so appreciated.  Thank you for entrusting your teens in to our care.  

Friday Night Youth Group

Hope you're excited to join us!! For REQUIRED Registration forms, go to the main page and click on the "tab" Forms/Links. 

We are also excited to introduce our youth to the Alpha Series that we started Nov 22nd.  This series consists of a couple weeks, so we will be breaking it up with our other Friday night events! It's never too late to join us! See full schedule of Alpha nights below.  Don't know what Alpha is? Visit our FB page, as the promo video is posted there.  

We also love to promote the events that are held at Manitou Lake Bible Camp as that is a place and ministry near and dear to so many here at MEFC, both young and old. Despite the fire the camp tragically faced at the beginning of November, our friends at MLBC are moving forward with ministry, despite how differnet it would look. 

How exciting that we get to share with you that summer camp registrations are now open!!! 



If you would like to help the camp as they begin processess to rebuild, pls visit: